Stainless Steel Filter Unit
Mile Hi Distilling Stainless Steel Filter Unit is built to last. Filtering is the key to a smooth product and this unit will get the results.
31″ Long Stainless filter housing with a 2″ ferrule on each end so you can clamp it to a milk can for collection.
Wide mouth stainless funnel that is 11″ deep
1.5 lbs of Activated Carbon fills the Stainless filter housing
We suggest to use 7 coffee filters and hose clamp at discharge end of filter unit. See our video for more details:
2″ Diameter Stainless Steel Clamp
2.5″ Diameter Stainless Steel hose clamp
2″ Silicone Gasket
1.5 lbs of Mile Hi Distilling’s Activated Carbon
These filter units ship within 3 to 5 business days
it is a great unit. probably more filter than i’ll ever need. the carbon ratio recommended is too high for just smoothing out a spirit, it is enough for wiping out all smells, flavors, color and creating a neutral spirit. so if you aren’t making vodka, gin, or trying to cover up some huge mistakes, you won’t need more than a half bag charcoal per filtering run
Outstanding quality. Way better than a plastic carbon snake or smaller filter system. Watch Mike’s Mile Hi and George from Barley and Hopps brewing video on carbon filtering, he has some great tips on preparing the carbon for best results. I now have another Mile Hi heirloom.
excellent product works great, would advise anyone needing this product to purchase this one I looked around and this was the best price I ound. Plus you get the quality o Mile High products
As always superior workmanship, keep up the great work, a pleasure to do business with.
Very high quality and well worth the money! You won’t be disappointed!