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Oak Barrels for sale – Made in the USA

Our Oak barrels are genuine made in the USA and top quality barrels for sale that are used for aging spirits. These are not the cheap re-purposed oak barrels that don’t last and won’t give you the high quality end product spirit. 

There are a few things that come from our neighbors to the South that cannot be condemned: the tequila, and the women! If you’re looking for the women, I can’t help too much, the tequila on the other hand we can help. We stock for sale Genuine Whiskey Barrels! These top quality oak wooden barrels have a alligator 3-4 char which will flavor your whiskey, color your whiskey, and age your whiskey. Also good for aging other spirits like bourbon, tequila and rum. There are 1 gallon wooden oak barrels for sale, 3 gallon barrels for sale, 5 gallon wooden barrels for sale and 10 gallon wooden barrels for sale, the charred surface area will allow a aging time of 2 months or less!

If you’re looking for a quality barrels, with or without a spigot, these  barrels for sale are for you. We promise you will love them!!!

Curing Oak Barrels

First rinse the inside of the barrel by filling and emptying 2 or 3 times to remove any wood debris. Prior to use, your barrel must be filled with water or submerged for approximately 1 to 5 days. This will allow the oak to expand and seal properly to retain liquid. (the barrel may leak until cured) After this initial curing period then you are ready to fill the barrel with spirits. Keep the barrel filled so when you are ready to empty the barrel of your spirits then have new spirit ready to go in. Storing a barrel dry will cause it split and dry out and can possibly damage enough to where you will need to replace it.  Curing is very important! Unless you cure the barrel correctly, the barrel can leak!

Filling Oak Barrels With Spirits

When filling oak barrels with spirits, fill the oak barrel completely removing all air. Place the cork in tightly.
In preparation for reusing your barrel after the initial use, the oak barrels may need to be reconditioned. It is best to have another batch of spirit ready to go in so the barrel does not sit dry. Leaving an oak barrel empty for too long will dry out and damage the barrel.

When aging wine. Fill your barrel with a cleaning solution such as Soda ash or Barrel Cleaning Solution  and let it soak in the barrel for 2 to 3 days. This solution will remove excessive tannins.

Storage of Oak Barrels

Barrels should be stored in a cool place and away from sunlight. This will protect both the exterior of the barrel and the aging spirits inside. In time liquid will be absorbed by the barrel or evaporate, generally about 5% over 2 years, this is called the “Angels’ Share”. Dry climates or heated homes tend to cause more evaporation.

Maintaining Oak Barrels

Over time the exterior of the barrel will show wear. Lightly sand the barrel with a fine sandpaper. Wipe off any debris with a clean cloth. Some companies will put a varnish on the barrel. Our barrels that we sell are natural wood so there is no way varnish seep into the spirit or keeping the oak barrels from breathing.
Oak Barrel left without liquid will dry quickly and no longer hold liquid without leaking. If this occurs, begin the curing / reconditioning process again.
Oak Barrel orders at this time are taking 1-2 business days to ship.

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