Turbo 500 Stills And T500 Towers
Grainfather Stills and Distilling Towers
AirStill Complete Kits
We have been working with Still Spirits for many years and are happy that we can offer their high quality stills.
The Turbo 500 still has proven itself over the years to be a great well built distiller and works as good as it looks. The Grainfather is a great unit that can auto sparge and making beer brewing easy and can adapt into a distiller. Air Still units are easy to use and won’t break the bank.
Turbo 500 stills come with a built in 120v heating element so you just simply plugin any standard wall outlet. It also has a built in drain spigot.
The t500 is very simple to use and user friendly.
All the T500 distillers are just plug and play and come with a factory two year warranty.
Mile Hi Distilling has large selection of T500 stills and parts available with the very good pricing and included freebies. We also have over 600 distilling products from turbo yeast to oak barrels we are your one stop shop for still supplies. All Turbo 500 stills have free shipping.
Find the brochure for the T500 here: T500 Brochure
Out of stockMr Distiller is a fun small table top still for home distilling
Out of stockMr distiller table top kit for home distilling.